Thursday, June 12, 2008

Who is that masked man?

Aside from what I already posted, one sentence from the news piece on today's Supreme Court ruling stood out to me:

"The majority consisted of the court's four liberals -- Justices John Paul Stevens, David Souter, Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Stephen Breyer, plus the moderate conservative Kennedy, who often casts the decisive vote."

Actually, just that last bit. The US Supreme Court consists of four liberals who generally vote one way, four conservatives who usually vote the opposite way and Anthony Kennedy, "who often casts the decisive vote." I would bet most Americans have no idea who Anthony Kennedy is, and he is arguably one of the two most powerful people in the country. So I started doing research (read: looked him up on wikipedia), found out some stuff and then paused when I remembered the guy is not elected and has his job for life. Since there was nothing to be done here, I went back to reading about pigs in tiny boots.

1 comment:

Meesh Mosh said...

pigs in boots- second cutest thing i've ever seen (the first being corgis, the third being mario in a red raincoat), although a contradiction since isn't the cliche happier than a pig in....mud?

oh yea... politics....