Friday, June 13, 2008

Third Base

When I first heard Barack Obama accuse John McCain of running for "George Bush's third term", I confess it didn't really ring true for me. I figured it was a political attempt to tie the Republican candidate to the most unpopular president ever. Selfishly, I wanted it to work if it helped our side, but I didn't buy in. This was John McCain, the maverick former POW who would never forsake the troops and often reached across the aisle. I was so happy when the Republicans chose him as their presumptive nominee, because, jeez, if John McCain is our worst choice, then we're in pretty good shape. And then McCain started pandering to his base. I thought we could brand him as a flip-flopper, but there was a part of me that believed the maverick was still there, laying in wait. After this week, I'm not so sure. Yesterday, the Supreme Court restored habeas corpus to prisoners in Guantanamo Bay. As the Dimpled Chads rejoiced, John McCain told reporters:

"These are unlawful combatants, they are not American citizens and I think we should pay attention to Justice Roberts' opinion in this decision."

That's conservative Chief Justice John Roberts, who did not agree with the majority decision. Less than a year ago, the John McCain I used to root for told reporters he would close the prison at Gitmo (which he still wants to do) and "truly expedite the judicial proceedings in their cases." This habeas corpus turnaround comes on the heels of the wiretapping flip flop and McCain's recent incredibly pro-Bush voting record. I'm so disappointed to say it, but I think Senator Obama might be on to something.


Meesh Mosh said...

Here's the dilly - or kosher, sweet, sandwich sliced, your preference.

You would hope, that as a POW McCain would kinda have a soft spot... almost sympathetic - and think, they ARE people to and we as human err and that is the whole point of checks and balances, habeus corpus (did i spell that wrong?) and the great American System that he is so dead set on heading up. He was in their position to a degree, wouldnt he have wanted that same treatment?

Instead, hes all spiteful and being oober conservative republican and demeaning other humans. Am I saying people who have tried to attack us deserve to have 5 star treatment? no but isn't one of the things we boast not having a judicial system like all these other third world countries. ok i might not be making sense. I just think his being irrational in his behaviour and the LAST thing we need is a leader who will base decisions on spite and anger because of his past.

Or because the oil companies tell him what to do.

Meesh Mosh said...

OH i need fix something. I didn't make it clear... i dont want to infer that i think everyone in the prison is a bad person or who actively tried to do something or deserves to be there... its the point of this whole issue...

i am very close with someone who receives first hand discrimination just because of race after 9/11 and its just one should have to go through what they go through and chances are there are a lot of people who need these ruling because racism was the motivation to put them where they are...