Friday, June 6, 2008

Mission to Mars

John McCain just told a reporter in a town meeting in Florida that he hopes we will send a man to Mars. My first thought was, is he trying to be Kennedy? That thought was almost immediately eclipsed by, "How the hell are we going to pay for that in this economy?" Oh, wait. Some estimates put the cost of a manned mission to Mars at 11 billion dollars. We're spending 2 billion dollars a week in Iraq. If we got out of there, Mr. McCain, we could fund your intriguing space trip in 5 and a half weeks. Hmmmm.....

1 comment:

twitter said...

You're really good at like, adding. You know when I ran for Middle School VP, I promised free corn nuts for all, without any real idea of how I'd fund that. This reminds me of me then.