Tuesday, June 10, 2008

The Old White Dudes Strike Again...

After blocking the climate change bill last week, Senate Republicans added to their impressive track record today by voting down a Democratic proposal to impose a windfall profits tax on the oil companies and end the billions of dollars of tax breaks they currently receive. With gas prices reaching record highs practically every day and the oil companies raking it in while the rest of the economy suffers, I can't imagine why we'd want to stop subsidizing them and force them to share a little bit of those record profits to, oh, I don't know, just brainstorming here, start coming up with alternative energy options! This election can't come soon enough for my taste (FYI - Obama would have voted for, McCain against). Score another one for Voldemort.

P.S. This picture has nothing to do with anything except it came up when Rach googled 'old white dude' and it made us both giggle.


Meesh Mosh said...

I think the picture works great...

It kills me that I spend (at the current gas price in south florida) 4,000 dollars a year in gas (I did th math yesterday) while Oil companies bring in a profit (i.e. their pockets) (Mobile/Exxon) 11.2 billion dollars.

From what I am to understand prices will raise around another dollar by mid summer (making it 5,000 a year in gas.. and i drive a very gas conscious car for a non hybrid... about 28/32 mpg)... yes... that means in 2/3 months gas prices will increase what it took a year to do in the past year and i guess 10 years do to before that? Question: Is this Bush doin what he can before he leaves office? Doesn't he have ties to all of this? Is that just my ignorance? If McCain is elected does that mean prices will jump a Dollar monthly insteady of every three month like the trend is suggesting since he'll be taking over Fuher Bush's regime?

I can no longer afford to drive to work... But I can't bike or take a bus because 1) I live to far and 2) no practical/non-hood bus route to get here.

Meesh Mosh said...

(when i say bush doing what he can... i mean doign what he can to make some money off of the oil company... not to help america...)