Saturday, June 7, 2008

Hillary 20??

As Rach dealt with some Dimpled Chad technical difficulties, I pondered this question - will Hillary run again? Despite the fact that a failed bid usually let's the air out of political tires, Hillary is obviously an ambitious girl. And she came out of today's speech smelling like roses. Imagine if she spends the next four or eight years (depending on if we put Obama in the White House this time round or not) pulling an Al Gore - becoming the woman we wanted her to be and improving her image in the public eye as well as piling on more senatorial (or even vice presidential) experience? Somehow I don't see her as the type to pass up a second chance in favor of saving the world from global warming. Given these circumstances, I think she absolutely will run again. And if not, the Clintons have one last rabbit left in their hat. I'm putting my money in the pool right now - here comes Chelsea 2028.

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