Thursday, June 5, 2008

Mitt Romney is Not Hot: A Scientific Explanation

While McCain had his hot day in the sun, I've concluded that Mitt Romney is neither hot now nor was he ever. Even as a baby. Although I haven't seen his baby pics, it's what we refer to here at Dimpled Chads as, "an educated guess." What's that? Why am I talking about Mitt Romney? Don't I know he's not the Republican nominee? Yes, I do know that, but apparently Romney and McCain have been bonding lately. Whatever that means, my guess would be Mitt is informing John about the healthy option to a healthy glow: the spray tan.

Anyway, at other blogs you might get an analysis of what a McCain-Romney ticket would do to the political landscape at this point. But I know you come to Dimpled Chads for our own unique perspective on things, so I present to you: Reasons Mitt Romney, despite what you might think, is not, in fact, hot.

1. The tan. Ew.

And that concludes this in-depth analysis of Romney's lack of hotness. Tune in later when I tackle Bill Richardson's beard.


Michael said...

Insightful post. Though I think you overlook the powerful appeal of Romney's love for animals. And, you know, the fact that he wears jackboots. Sieg heil!

Ella said...

Richardson’s beard is totally smokin’ hot.

Plus, I’m pretty sure there’s an owl living in his beard that gives him sage advice.