Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Meanwhile, Across the Aisle

Everyone seems to be SOOOOOOO interested in who Barack Obama's Vice Presidential running mate will be, but the question of who John McCain's will be, yawn, barely comes up. Lately, the scuttlebutt seems to suggest Mitt Romney, but from what I've seen it's mentioned only as a segue to talk more about Obama. "Well Jim, that was interesting, what you just said about McCain and the economy. Since he seems to be moving in the direction of Mitt Romney as VP, do you think Obama will pick Hillary Clinton?" Why is this? McCain, as we're nightly reminded by the talk show hosts, is OLD! He's older than Reagan was and we're not sure if Reagan knew his own name by the time he left office. McCain will be 72 by Inauguration Day. He could conceivably die in the next four years. Shouldn't we all be watching the Republican Vice Presidential vetting process a lot closer than Obama's (does anyone outside of Washington care one bit about the 'vetting the vetters' scandal)? I DON'T WANT PRESIDENT ROMNEY!!!

P.S. This picture of Dan Quayle is just a reminder of how terribly wrong a Vice Presidential choice can be.


Meesh Mosh said...

Um, I actually did have something on mind. We've all been saying that as long and tiring as the democratic debacle was... at least it took focus away from McCains Campaign (oh god that rhymes). Anyway...

It's not like we have that long till the election. It beautifully coincides with my move to the west (cccmmoooon stocks! up up up, help momma move... yes, Britt, absentee vote... no matter where I am, I will be voting as a Florida resident, they need it).

Back to the point. Sorry. Could this be a silent but deadly attack? A gas attack on McCains part? He's old, they are prone to gas. Do you guys think that Obama's flashy "Here I am, it's time for change" could ultimately back-fire if the country is tired and suddenly looks at quiet little McCain (evil) or do you think they will see the evil lurking in the corner and be like woah, weird... and understand that a quiet president who might keel over a month after inauguration is not the best of choices? Am I making sense? I want change... I want a president that can speak and one who can get the Nation involved (look at the increase of 18-35 voters!!) but what about the rest of the US?

Brittani said...

I don't think McCain actually has much to do with this - it's the press who decides who and what they want to talk about, not the candidates. I think the only two things that clearly would benefit McCain between now and election day are 1) some annoying swiftboat scandal sinking Obama or 2) another terrorist attack on US soil (God forbid) - people flock to the crazy guy with guns when they're afraid for their safety

MonkeySpeak said...

hmmm, i was on a plane with a bomb threat on it... im still goin for obama :)

wait, maybe my brother should run?

MonkeySpeak said...

uh, forgot to change emails and im to lazy to do it right now... this is michelle