Thursday, June 12, 2008

Open Letter of the Afternoon, RE: Crazy Talk

Dear Tom Cruise's Lawyer,

Apparently, in a statement to Page 6, you compared Dr. Drew Pinsky to notorious Nazi, Joseph Goebbels, for suggesting Tom Cruise may have been neglected as a child, leading him to get involved with a cult like Scientology. Goebbels was one of Hitler's closest associates, his Minister of Propaganda and the Nazi credited with first conceiving of state-sponsored attacks on Jews. Dr. Drew is a board certified internist who hosts Loveline and Celebrity Rehab. You might want to recheck, because I'm pretty sure these guys aren't the same thing at all.

Dimpled Chads

P.S. Dr. Drew has a point.

1 comment:

Meesh Mosh said...

nuff said