Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Well, duh

I know Jon Stewart begs us not to get our news from him, but seriously, is there a better way? He sheds light on dark corners, points out sides to stories we hadn't noticed and makes us laugh, all at the same time. Last night, he was crazed about the fact that no one is reporting on the just released Senate Intelligence Report Number Two that states the Bush administration misled us to garner support for the war in Iraq:

I love me some Jon Stewart, but it seems to me that the reason no one is bothering with this story is that we all ALREADY KNOW THE BASTARDS LIED THEIR ASSES OFF TO US!!! Really, is the fact that the Senate finally put it down on paper all that newsworthy?

1 comment:

Meesh Mosh said...

uummm, well, considering my secondary source of news.. or the print media i turn to, is dimpled chad... well, yea nuff said?

gimme more...

oh.. yea... two more posts to read. yeesssssss

And considering I've already posted a million times I've decided to do Britt the favor of posting in my name and not my schools name. That's also because I am relying on her for a ride in a month and I will be her neighbor soon and well... I value my life and would like to enjoy my future on the west coast and remain on good terms... white flag on the school front... i'll keep this call name.