Thursday, July 31, 2008

And One More Thing...

I was so blinded by the Britney/Paris aspect of John McCain's "Celeb" ad that I missed the part at the end where the narrator claims we can expect "more foreign oil" from Obama because he opposes offshore drilling. Um... I call bullshit. How stupid does the McCain campaign think we are? Offshore drilling, a highly controversial process, banned not by granola munching liberals but President Ronald Reagan, does not appear to be the answer to our energy problems in any way. At best it will be a band-aid seven to ten years down the road.

At a time when rapidly rising gas prices are an ever-increasing burden on the American people, it is an easy thing to say, "We'll just drill for more, people. Don't worry." McCain, himself, admitted the immediate benefits would only be psychological. As for the long term, possible effects on the environment range from mild to catastrophic depending on who you're talking to and no one seems to know how much oil is out there. Most sources estimate somewhere between 10 and 27 billion barrels, an amount that would last us only a few years. We need to decrease our dependence not just on foreign oil but on oil in general. Band-aids are not going to solve what is shaping up to be the most important issue facing this generation. We desperately need to aggressively pursue alternative energy sources. Does McCain honestly expect us to believe, of the two candidates we have to choose from, he's the one who's going to free us from our dependence on foreign oil? Until further notice, I'm standing by my call of bullshit.

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