Thursday, July 31, 2008

Me, I Prefer the Queen of Hearts...

It's happened! It's finally happened! 'The Race Card' has been played! Who had July 31st in the pool? As far as WHO played it, we're still sorting that out. Obama said in a speech yesterday:

"What they're going to try to do is make you scared of me. You know, he's not patriotic enough, he's got a funny name, you know, he doesn't look like all those other presidents on the dollar bills."

The McCain camp couldn't jump on this fast enough, going crazy pointing at Obama and shouting "Race card! Race card!". The Obama camp released its counter-response:

"Barack Obama in no way believes that the McCain campaign is using race as an issue, but he does believe they're using the same old low-road politics to distract voters from the real issues in this campaign, and those are the issues he'll continue to talk about."

So, did Obama play the race card? Did McCain actually play it instead by accusing Obama of it? To tell you the truth, I'm just pissed off because I had August 17 in the pool. I really thought they were going to wait until a little closer to the conventions. Sigh.

1 comment:

Meesh Mosh said...

Whatever, you're just happy you found an excuse to use a playing card as an image.

Actually I think it was an expert move on the Obama campaign part. I'm not saying HE played the race card... but he knows his opponent. It was a chess move for him.

You can't actually SAY Obama played the race card. But of course McCain is going to 1) say something negative to anything Obama says and 2) say something absolutely... well.. unintelligent.

McCains an idiot. I don't want a man who fights for the Presidential seat by trying to play the school yard bully. You know what all of his ads really say "Don't Vote for Obama... He's different"

Something tells me... right now... different is REALLY good.