Friday, September 5, 2008

These Folks Sure Can Spin A Yarn...

If you were fresh off the spaceship this week, taking your first little tour of the planet and happened to catch John McCain and the rest of the Republicans at the RNC, you'd be convinced these were earthlings who were NOT in power (and definitely didn't vote with the current administration 95% of the time). They're going to "shake up Washington", after all. And if you were wondering which party cares more about the people than their own wallets (official term: special interests), well, it's obviously these guys who put "Country First". Illegal immigrants from far-off constellations aside (coming soon - Galactic Space Fence), is anyone out there buying this shit?

1 comment:

MonkeySpeak said...

sadly, like half of my office. which drives me nuts. so i sit here sifting through and reading about real life issues and they talk about how smart of a women palin is and i try to hold down my lunch.