Wednesday, September 3, 2008

All Hail the Mayor of Wasilla!

We suck. We abandoned you. Things got boring (and you know, really exciting on Project Runway - I mean, there's a dude named Suede who refers to himself in the third person - how can you pass that up?) and we figured we'd come back for the conventions. But the Democrats? Obama picked Biden and gave a great speech. Yawn. No news there. Our greatest failure, however, has been to wait this long to comment on what has to be the most fun shitstorm of the campaign season - So here it is, folks - the Dimpled Chad take:

We wake up Friday morning to the news that John McCain has chosen Sarah Palin, governor of Alaska as his running mate. My first thought was, genius move to go with a woman. Of course, I didn't know anything about this particular woman when I said that and as soon as we all learned a little - OMG!

Where to begin? How about... To think that Hillary supporters will jump on the bandwagon of anyone with a hoo-hah regardless of experience or ideology is incredibly insulting. Rachael's chime in: "If the women of America end up having the teeny tiny lady brains the GOP and media seem to assume we do and vote for this scary zealot I will probably need to grow a penis."

So, Obama, when asked in an interview about the Republicans' claim that Palin has more executive experience than he does said that Palin had 50 employees working under her and he has 2500. The GOP immediately cried sexism. For the life of me I can't figure that one out. How does the number of employees one supervises have anything to do with gender? The Rachael chime-in: "Everyone should just put down the sexist card. Rush Limbaugh already surrendered the Right's use of it when he described her as a babe."

So, we went along like this for two days, dissecting the fact that McCain had picked an NRA membership-card toting, creationism-supporting Christian Right woman with almost no experience... and then... JUNO FROM JUNEAU!!!!

To be continued...

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