Thursday, July 31, 2008

And One More Thing...

I was so blinded by the Britney/Paris aspect of John McCain's "Celeb" ad that I missed the part at the end where the narrator claims we can expect "more foreign oil" from Obama because he opposes offshore drilling. Um... I call bullshit. How stupid does the McCain campaign think we are? Offshore drilling, a highly controversial process, banned not by granola munching liberals but President Ronald Reagan, does not appear to be the answer to our energy problems in any way. At best it will be a band-aid seven to ten years down the road.

At a time when rapidly rising gas prices are an ever-increasing burden on the American people, it is an easy thing to say, "We'll just drill for more, people. Don't worry." McCain, himself, admitted the immediate benefits would only be psychological. As for the long term, possible effects on the environment range from mild to catastrophic depending on who you're talking to and no one seems to know how much oil is out there. Most sources estimate somewhere between 10 and 27 billion barrels, an amount that would last us only a few years. We need to decrease our dependence not just on foreign oil but on oil in general. Band-aids are not going to solve what is shaping up to be the most important issue facing this generation. We desperately need to aggressively pursue alternative energy sources. Does McCain honestly expect us to believe, of the two candidates we have to choose from, he's the one who's going to free us from our dependence on foreign oil? Until further notice, I'm standing by my call of bullshit.

Me, I Prefer the Queen of Hearts...

It's happened! It's finally happened! 'The Race Card' has been played! Who had July 31st in the pool? As far as WHO played it, we're still sorting that out. Obama said in a speech yesterday:

"What they're going to try to do is make you scared of me. You know, he's not patriotic enough, he's got a funny name, you know, he doesn't look like all those other presidents on the dollar bills."

The McCain camp couldn't jump on this fast enough, going crazy pointing at Obama and shouting "Race card! Race card!". The Obama camp released its counter-response:

"Barack Obama in no way believes that the McCain campaign is using race as an issue, but he does believe they're using the same old low-road politics to distract voters from the real issues in this campaign, and those are the issues he'll continue to talk about."

So, did Obama play the race card? Did McCain actually play it instead by accusing Obama of it? To tell you the truth, I'm just pissed off because I had August 17 in the pool. I really thought they were going to wait until a little closer to the conventions. Sigh.

Vice President Hillary?

If you were already clearing room on the bumper of your Prius for your "Obama/Clinton" sticker, you might want to hold off. Yesterday the news broke that Hillary has been asked to deliver the keynote address at the Democratic National Convention next month in Denver, a big flashing sign that she will most likely not be tapped for the VP spot. Hillary Night, as keynote Tuesday night will certainly be, also happens to be the 88th anniversary of women gaining the right to vote in this country. Reports claim Clinton will share the stage with ALL the women senators, but does that include the Republicans? (while writing that sentence I realized I had to google to make sure there are Republican female senators and there are - there are 5) Hopefully Hillary's supporters will be satisfied with Consolation Chickfest '08 and still come to the party.

I Couldn't Help Myself...

A little embarrassed that we'd let a month and a half go by without a post, I've been waiting for a big story to mark our grand dimpled comeback - A VP announcement, a sex scandal - something we could really sink our teeth into. But what can I do? John McCain compares Barack Obama to Britney and Paris in an official ad and I'm supposed to sit by and wait for him to appoint Mitt Romney or get caught diddling a Fox news analyst? I'm just not that strong. So here goes. My analysis in two parts:
1) I guess this is what McCain meant when he promised to run a respectful campaign.
2) Is Obama's popularity really the worst thing the McCain campaign can come up with to attack right now? It seems to me like McCain is standing in a corner stomping his foot and pouting about how people like Barack more than him. Very presidential. (Probably also bitter that the only celeb excited about him is the awesomeness that is Heidi Montag)